Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions – click on a question to reveal the answer.
Please feel free to email or phone David with any further questions.

All levels – Strategic, Tactical, Operational and Gold, Silver & Bronze.
Including Loggists, Executives and On-Call Directors.

The training is all bespoke but courses rarely exceed a full day. Half day courses are also available for busy executives.

Training can be delivered anywhere worldwide to suit the client.

Highly interactive, highly educational, incorporating fun and humour. Workbooks are available. Visual aids are rarely used. Feedback from delegates has fashioned the unique training style.

There is a standard half-day and full-day rate plus reasonable expenses. Some preparation time may also be charged for non-standard courses. Consultancy work is charged on a time and expenses basis.

None or very little. Where any is required, full guidance will be given.

Yes, dependant upon other prior engagements.

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